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This guide will provide an overview of: Registering for datafeeds Mapping Investment Link datafeeds Unmapping Investment Link datafeeds Adding datafed Accounts to the Client Fact Find Refreshing a datafed Account Registering for Datafeeds To set up ...
Practice Management Webinar Series - Parts 1 to 4
The following webinars are a four part series focusing on ongoing practice management within AdviceOS. They are aimed at reviewing areas of AdviceOS that may be a little more complex, potentially for Office Managers or Senior Admin staff who may want ...
SMSF SoA Template Guide
Midwinter has created a new SMSF SoA template where advice can be provided specifically for a SMSF entity. The attached guide provides you with further information on these changes and how you can ensure these appear within your advice documents.
Enhancements to Midwinter default RoA template
With the upcoming release on February 16th 2023, we have made enhancements to the default Midwinter RoA template to help improve your experience when creating advice documents within AdviceOS. The attached guide explains the changes we have made.
Ongoing Service Agreements and FDS Management
1. Introduction Fee Disclosure Statements (FDS’) are legislated requirements under the Corporations Act 2001 with the most recent changes to this legislation coming into effect 1 July 2021. The documents and associated processes intend to ensure ...