Client Fact Find

Client Fact Find

Client Details

Personal Details

  1. Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > Personal Details
This is the page where you can input client’s personal information, service package, referral source, tags and multi tags, complete the risk profile questionnaire and set up client’s risk profile.

The Client Admin button is also located on this page, further details are explained in Section 2 -Client Admin.
  1. Complete client risk profile questionnaire by clicking on Risk Profile button

This will open up the Risk profiler where you can complete the questionnaire and print a report from here.

When the result of the questionnaire differs from the one selected in the drop down list, it will show as 'unmatched'.


  1. Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > Compliance
This is the page where you can view and record key compliance items of the client including Ongoing Arrangement legal due dates and reminder dates, Review dates, TFN, Identification numbers, Third party authorization, FSG and Privacy Policy details. 
  1. Ongoing arrangements key dates is only viewable on this page. To edit the date, please navigate to Advanced Admin – FDS Management section.

  1. Users can choose to manage review at group level.

This will allow the review date for this client group will be managed together. This means that changing the date or review status will update all clients (primary, spouse and entities - if they exist) via the one action. The primary (and spouse) will be listed in a single row where any change of dates or status will be reflected across the group. 

Contact Details

  1. Navigate to "Clients > Fact Find > Contact Details

This is the page where client’s contact number, email address, residential and postal address are recorded.

  1. Any deceased member will be marked as Do Not Contact by default. 

It can also be used to control access to clients who you do not wish to receive texts or emails. 

  1.  Users can select to Use postal address for advice documents by ticking the below box.


  1.  Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > Objectives

This page is where users enter client goals and determine future considerations and the Subject Matters.

Users can select to view the objectives by their status (eg. Achieved, Current, Future).

Future capital inflows and expenses are also recorded in this section.

  1.  Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > Employment and Centrelink

This page is where users enter clients employment details including occupation, employment type, years worked, education and qualification, ETP details, leave entitlements, and any centrelink related details.

  1. There are two tabs on this page, toggle between the two for Employment and Centrelink information.

Estate Planning and Health

  1. Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > Estate Planning and Health
This is the page where users can enter estate planning information such as will, Power of Attorney, Dependents and Health information such as Smoker status and Health condition
  1. There are two tabs on this page, toggle between the two for Estate Planning and Health information

  1. Dependents can be added at the bottom section of Estate Planning tab. Users can tick Create Relationship box, this will create a relationship record to be saved in the Relationship page of Fact Find.

  1. The smoker status information will flow through to Insurance Module.

Income and Expenses

  1.  Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > Income and Expenses
This page is where clients income, expenses, cashflow summary, and cashflow analysis can be captured and viewed.

2.     Update from Assets and Liabilities

This allows users to bring across the income and expenses from information entered in Assets and Liabilities tab, such as loan repayments, super contributions, investment income, pension income and annuities.

Contribution Worksheet

  1. Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > Contribution Worksheet
This page is where users capture the concessional contribution and non-concessional contribution details for any financial year selected. Cap calculations and current financial year information can also be viewed on this page.

Select the financial year we want to view the contribution details for by clicking on the drop down list.

Custom Fields

  1. Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > Custom Fields

Thipage is where users enter other fact find information for the clients that are customised by the dealergroup or the practice.

This page is where users enter other fact find information for the clients that are customised by the dealergroup or the practice.

For more information on how to create custom fields, please refer to the Custom Field guide in Configuration section of the Help Centre.

Assets and Policies

Personal Assets and Liabilities

  1. Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > Asset and Liabilities

This page is where users add, edit and update personal assets and liabilities. The assets and liabilities added into this section will flow through into Modelling if a user selects to ‘Update from Fact Find’. This will directly impact both the net worth of your client from a capital perspective, but also impact their cashflow where suitable (i.e., loan repayments).  

A user can also navigate to Fact Find > Client Details > Income & Expenses and update their clients cashflow based on the assets & liabilities that have been added. 

Personal Assets  Several personal assets can be added in this area, including the residential home, contents, motor vehicles. For investment assets, please use the ‘super, pension and investments section of AdviceOS instead. 

Liabilities There are several different types of liabilities that can be created here, and they will impact your clients cashflow & modelling. The liabilities include the home loan, personal loans, investment loans and HELP debt. 

  1. You can determine whether these are paid off via principal and interest or interest only  
  2. You can set the interest rate of these loans, and whether they are fixed or variable 
  3. Set the repayment frequency and remaining years 
  4. The system will automatically calculate the minimum repayments, however you also have the ability to override these values 
HELP Debt Note that HELP debt is slightly different to other loans, as there is no interest charged and the repayments are based on the client’s income. The system will automatically calculate the estimated repayments for your specific client based on their circumstances, using the threshold rates found within Settings, otherwise this can also be manually overridden. 

The assets and liabilities will flow through to Modelling if users click 'Update from Fact Find' in Modelling.

Super, Pension and Investments

  1. Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > Super, Pension and Investments

This page is where users enter portfolio and investments owned by the client, as well as defined benefit and annuities owned by the client.

Users can insert and update datafeeds on this page if there is datafeeds set up for a holding.

Users can load platforms and add investment options by clicking on Load and Options button for a holding.

Investment Options

  1. Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > Investment Options

This page lists out the investment options and their owners which have been entered from the previous screen in a compact view.

Users can also make changes to the holding balance, load platforms and add investment options on this page.


1.     Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > Insurance

This page is where users capture client’s Life, TPD, Trauma and IP insurance information.

Users can add a retail, super, group policy by clicking on the Add button and filter by their status.

General Insurance

  1. Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > General Insurance
This page is where users capture client’s general insurance information such as content insurance, car insurance, private health insurance etc.

Users can add a general insurance policy by clicking on the Add button and filter by their status.



  1. Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > Entities

This page is used to allow a user to create any relevant Entities related to their clients. These Entities can include Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF), Trust’s, and Companies. 

There is no limit to the number of Entities that can be created. 

  1. Add, Delete or Restore entities
Users can add, delete, restore previously deleted entities by clicking on the Add, Delete, Restore/promote button.
  1. Add associates to the entity

Users can add relationships to the entity such as Accountant, Trustee, Beneficiary, Member etc by adding associate in the below section. 

A member within a client group or an associate that has been added from the Associate tab can be selected here to create the relationship.


  1. Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > Associates

This page allows users to add and manager member and practice level associates.

  1. Associates can be an individual or an entity

  1. Users can select to make the associates public or non-public when creating the associate.

Note: Once the added associate is saved, users won’t be able to change the public/non-public status again.


  1. Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > Relationships

This page is where users create professional and personal relationships to the individual clients and entities within the client group.

Note: The dependents added in Estate Planning and Health tab will also appear here if the Create Relationship tickbox has been ticked.

When an entity is selected and a relationship added to it, the information will flow through to Entities tab in the Associate section.

Client Admin


Please note that the users need to have either a mobile number or registered alpha tag on their user profiles, otherwise these notifications will not be send and the following warning message will appear.

Auto task upcoming notifications can also be activated from this page.
  1. Reminders allow each practice to send SMS reminders to their clients. By specifying an appointment date and an appointment reminder message for a client, AdviceOS will send the client the appointment reminder a day prior to the appointment.

The messages can be customised by using pre-configured codes. The following codes can be used:

<firstname>: For client's first name
<lastname>: For client's last name
<adviserfirstname>: For adviser's first name
<adviserlastname>:For adviser's last name
<apptdate>: For Next appointment date
<apptlongdate>: For Next appointment date and time
<appttime>: For Next appointment time
<birthdayordinalage>: For client's oridnal age on birthday, such as 42nd, 31st etc.
<birthdayage>: For client's age in years on birthday

  1. Similarly, setting a Birthday message for a client will direct AdviceOS to send a birthday message to the client on their birthday.  The messages can be customised by using above pre-configured codes.

  1. Users can select to activate auto tasks to be created based on the date of an activity if a preset task is already assigned to a notification in Settings - Task and Workflow configuration - Event Mapping.


  1. Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > Invoice

This page is where users manage and view invoices and capture client’s bank account details

  1. Users can click on the action button to manage invoice items or print out the invoice.

Custom invoice templates on a practice level or dealergroup level can be uploaded to be used here.

  1. In Invoice item management, users can add and edit invoice items.


  1. Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > Snapshot

This page is where users create a snapshot, compare snapshots or merge snapshots.

Click on Eye icon to view the highlighted snapshot.

To compare snapshots, click on the double arrow button and select the snapshot from the list to be compared against.

  1. Merge changes made by clients via Client Portal

Users can view the changes made by client via client portal and compare them against the current Fact Find details, and select which changes to be merged or rejected. 


  1. Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > Porta

      This page is where users give or revoke client portal access for their clients.

Note: Users need to subscribe to Digital Portal to enable clients to log in to the client portal.

If a user has not subscribed to Digital Portal, they may still be able to send out access details emails to clients, but clients will experience an error trying to log in.

  1. By ticking Allow Snapshot, it allows a snapshot to be created when clients make any changes via client portal and users have the option to reject or merge the changes into the fact find.

Client Referral

1.     Navigate to ‘Clients > Fact Find > Client Referral

This page is where referral details for the client group are recorded.

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