Colonial First State FirstChoice Application Integration

Colonial First State FirstChoice Application Integration

Please note: Your practice will need an AdviceOS API key in order to set up the application integration with Colonial First State.  Please complete the API Agreement and email it to,  in order to set this up if you don’t have one already. The instructions to generate your API key can be found here.

1. Log into FirstNet Adviser and click on “Open New Account”.


2. Select “Apply - using integration”. You will be redirected to the Colonial First State Originations app.


3. When in the CFS Originations app, select “Set up an integration”.

4. Click Connect under Midwinter.

5. Enter your API key, click the consent box once you understand the terms and conditions, and click “Test connection” to verify that everything is working.


6. If everything is working, click Save.


7. More information can also be found on the Colonial First State website.

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