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Task and Workflow Configuration - Event Mapping
What is event mapping? Event Mapping is the process of setting up either a preset task or workflow based on certain events that happen for your client. This allows you to automate the creation of tasks for your Practice prior to key events, so that ...
This guide will provide an overview of: Registering for datafeeds Mapping Investment Link datafeeds Unmapping Investment Link datafeeds Adding datafed Accounts to the Client Fact Find Refreshing a datafed Account Registering for Datafeeds To set up ...
User Documents and Templates
Introduction The user Documents and Templates section of AdviceOS is broken down into three main pages, which can be found by navigating to Settings > Templates and Field Management > User Documents and Templates. The three main areas of this section ...
Task and Workflow Configuration - Task Templates
This section of AdviceOS allows you to create templates for any tasks you want your office to have available. Once a task template has been designed and saved here, it will be accessible for your staff to use for any clients as required. These tasks ...
SMS Functionality
Purpose of Email Functionality In AdviceOS Midwinter understands that no financial planning software will be able to match the capabilities of an established email system such as Outlook or Gmail. Consequently, the email functionality within AdviceOS ...