Coming Soon E- Signature

Coming Soon E- Signature

E-Signature Functionality – Integrating Docusign to AdviceOS

Midwinter allows a business to integrate their existing Docusign account into AdviceOS, providing users with the ability to send and receive documents with eSignature functionality. This integration will allow a user to send documents from AdviceOS, via Docusign, to their clients and for these signed and returned documents to be stored in AdviceOS for compliance and record keeping purposes.

How to set up the integration

There are two stages to setting up this integration. This only needs to be completed once and the integration will remain active.

  1. An initial integration of your businesses Docusign account using the client ID and secret key.  
  2. Once step one has been completed, each individual user can authenticate their own account

We will provide you the steps to follow below to assist with this set up.

Step 1: Setting up the Integration  

The first step needs to be completed by the owner of the Docusign account, as you will need to be able to access the Client ID and Secret Key.

To do this, you will need to navigate to and log in to your account. Once logged in, click on the account icon and select “My Apps & Keys.”


You will then need to press “Add App and Integration Key” and create a new App called AdviceOS. You will be provided a Client ID, or Integration Key. And you can create a Secret Key in this same section of Docusign. Once this information is available, navigate to AdviceOS > Settings > E-Signatures > Integration.

Choosing the level of integration

You can choose to set up the integration at the Practice/ Office/ User level.

This will control who is able to access the integration. For example, an integration at the User level will only be accessible by that specific User, while an integration at the Practice level can be accessed by any User within that Practice.

Press on the “Request integration” button and a new dialog box will appear, allowing you to input the Client ID and Secret Key.

Once this has been completed, the page will update and provide you with the Client ID and the Secret Key at the 'Level' you have selected. If you wish, you can remove the integration.


Step 2: Each individual user authenticate’ s their account

Now that the integration is active, the next step is to navigate to User Management and authorise each individual user.

You will need to navigate to User Management > E-Signature Integration > Authentication.


If the initial integration has been completed correctly, you’ll see text indicating an active integration and at which level this was done (Practice/ Office/ User).

From here, select Sign in to Docusign.

This will redirect you to an authentication page, where you can input your Docusign login details.


Once signed in, the page will indicate you have an active authentication. This can be removed if you wish.


How to Use E-Signature

Now that you have the E-Signature integration set up, you can send documents to you clients.

From AdviceOS > Client > Client Records > Documents, navigate to the document you wish to send, select the three dots under the Action column and choose Comms.


This will open a new dialog to prepare the Document that you wish to send your client.

  1. Change the status of the document to “client approval required (e-signature)" in the drop down menu.
  1. Press the “Request E-signature” button.

                 This can be done two different ways, either;

o   Directly via Email.
o   Being redirected to Docusign first, to edit the email text or location of signature.


Once the document has been sent, the status will update to Client approval pending (e-signature).

It will remain in pending until the client has completed the E-signature process and returned the document to the adviser. They will be notified by email to sign the document, and on return the Adviser will be notified via email.

AdviceOS will then update the following:

  1. The status for the document will change to either approved or rejected.
  1. If approved, the signed version of the document will be uploaded a new a version of the document, available in your AdviceOS for record keeping purposes.

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