Task and Workflow Configuration - Event Mapping

Task and Workflow Configuration - Event Mapping

What is event mapping?

Event Mapping is the process of setting up either a preset task or workflow based on certain events that happen for your client. This allows you to automate the creation of tasks for your Practice prior to key events, so that these are not missed by your team.

Examples of key events could include an upcoming client appointment, a clients review date, their ongoing agreement (FDS or FTA) upcoming due dates or even the expiration of a driver’s license.

For a full list of the available events that can be mapped within AdviceOS, please refer to the list in Settings > Task and Workflow Configuration > Event Mapping.


On the event mapping screen you can see three columns.

  • The notification section describes which specific event you wish to set up.
  • The ‘preset task’ column allows you to select a specific task template to trigger

  • The ‘workflow mapping’ column allows you to select a specific workflow to trigger

Setting up an event mapping

There are several steps in setting up an event mapping notification, however some of these only need to be completed once for all clients.

Step 1: Ensure the relevant task template or workflow has been created. 
  1.          If you wish to trigger a task or a workflow when your clients meet the relevant pre-determined event, first you must ensure that a template exists.

  1.       Further information on creating a task template can be found here and further information on creating a workflow can be found here

One of the most important parts of creating these tasks is selecting the specific Due Date. It is discussed in the linked article. The Due Date will determine how many days prior to the specific event the task will be created for your team. For example, you may want it to trigger 30 days prior, to give your team sufficient time to follow up the client or prepare for a meeting etc.
Step 2: Allocating the relevant task or workflow.
  1. Once you have created the task or workflow, you will need to select it from the dropdown against the relevant notification.
  • In the example screenshot below, I want to ensure that the ‘Annual Review’ task is created for my Practice prior to the clients review meeting.
  1. In the below screenshot, I’ve instead set up a workflow to trigger titled “New Client Appointment Workflow” so that after the client appointment has been completed and the task closed, further tasks will be created dependent on the outcome of the initial client appointment (i.e. follow up call in 12 months if unsuccessful, research calls to super funds & TPA requests if proceeding with advice etc.).
Step 3: Ensure the relevant events are happening for your client.
  1. For this step you need to navigate to Client > Fact Find > Notifications
  1. Here you can see any of the relevant events that are happening for the clients in question. If the event you have set up mapping for is not visible here, it means that the event hasn’t been selected for you client. In the example screenshot below, you can see that ‘Review’ is not available as an auto task upcoming notification. This is because the ‘Review’ field in AdviceOS has not been selected for the clients.
  1. For further information on all of the event mapping triggers and their locations in AdviceOS, please see the end of this article.

  1.          If I navigate to Client > Fact Find > Compliance and input review dates for the clients, it will then appear correctly.   

  1.       Note that the ‘notice’ column is set at 30 days. This is dependent on the Due Date in the original task template, as mentioned earlier in this article.


Step 4: Select the notifications you wish to trigger for the client.

If you wish for a specific notification to trigger for a client, you need to ensure that the tick box has been ticked. Alternatively, if there are notifications you do not wish to trigger you need to ensure these are unticked.

  1. In the below screenshot you can see 4 notifications for our clients, each with differing results

o   Review: This has the ‘Annual Review’ preset task to trigger 30 days prior to the date, which we had previously set up. You can see this has a ‘tick’ in the box meaning the task will be created.

o   Reminder Date for FTA: As there is no preset task assigned to this key date we are unable to select this notification to trigger. You will need to return to Settings > Event Mapping and assign a task (see Step 2 above)

o   Australian drivers license: You can see that while a preset task is assigned to this event, the tick box is not selected. This means the preset task will not trigger for this client. If we were to tick this box on, it would trigger 7 days before the due date.

o   Next Appointment: As per our previous step 2, we assigned a workflow rather than a preset task to this event. The relevant workflow will trigger instead, based on the parameters set in that flow.          


You will notice that these are the only auto task notifications available for these clients in particular. This page will only display those notifications relevant to a client, so for example another client who has an active FDS rather than FTA would see the relevant FDS key dates in this section.

Summary of event mapping

To summarise, you can trigger certain tasks or workflows based on key events for a client by following the following steps:

      1.     Create the relevant task or workflow

            2.       Assign these via the Settings section of AdviceOS to the relevant events

a.        This only needs to be completed once and can apply for all clients.

            3.        Ensure your clients meet the required criteria for the event

            4.        Tick the notifications you wish to see triggered for this client

a.        This needs to be completed at a client level for each client you want the task or workflow to trigger for.

Location of each Event that can be mapped in AdviceOS

Below is a list of each of the events that can be mapped in AdviceOS, and the location of the respective field. The client must have the relevant fields completed in order to trigger the event.

You will know whether a client can have an event triggered by seeing the event in the Client > Fact Find > Notifications section. Only those relevant to that particular client will be visible. If they are not visible then you need to update the relevant field.


Field Location in AdviceOS

Review Auto Task

Client > Fact Find > Compliance > Reviews

Disclosure Auto Task*

Client > Fact Find > Compliance > Legacy FDS > Disclosures

Opt In Auto Task*

Client > Fact Find > Compliance > Legacy FDS > Opt-in

Client Appointment Auto Task

Client > Fact Find > Notifications > Next appointment date

Insurance Start Auto Task

Client > Fact Find > Insurance > Policy start date

Holding Expiry Auto Task

Client > Fact Find > Super, pension and investments > Expiry Date

Identification Expiry Auto Task

Client > Fact Find > Compliance > Identification details

FDS Anniversary Reminder Date Auto Task

Advanced Admin > FDS Management > Create Service Agreement

FDS Reminder Due Date Auto Task

Advanced Admin > FDS Management > Create Service Agreement

FDS Consent Reminder Date Auto Task

Advanced Admin > FDS Management > Create Service Agreement

FDS Fee Shutoff Reminder Date Auto Task

Advanced Admin > FDS Management > Create Service Agreement

FTA Reminder Date Auto Task

Advanced Admin > Fixed Term Agreement Management

*Note that these are legacy compliance fields, retained for record keeping purposes but ideally should be superseded with the FTA or FDS functionality

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