Group Management

Group Management


Groups in AdviceOS need to be created before the user can perform any bulk related activities such as bulk actions, bulk emails, bulk FDS, bulk document actions, etc.

This section is for you to view any static and dynamic group that was created.

There are two options for groups:

-        Static – This group will have the same amount of member

-        Dynamic – This group will update the member list based on the perimeter that was being setup

o   For example: if the perimeter is set to filter newly created members, the dynamic group will add the newly created member as part of the member list

Creation of group (Dynamic/Static) must be done through "manage groups" section, see below for further instructions

Group Details Management - Static

Static Groups

If you click on the , this will allow you to manage the group that you created (mainly for static group).

This will provide you with an option to edit the name, and description, and make the group public (if applicable).

If you are not making the group as "public", no one else will have access to that particular group


This option will allow you to remove the group (dynamic/static)

Select Group
This option will allow you to start adding clients to the group - for static group

Click on add clients then it will provide you with a client search box.

You can do filtering in the search box to meet your requirement for your group.
For example, you just need to click on the  icon next to the heading of the table to specify your requirement.

Click on Filter then you can either select one by one or select all.
Once you set up the filter for the group, the client list will be listed below. There is also a function to export in CSV (excel) format for the client list.

Please note that if you add any clients manually for the existing dynamic group, it will change the group type to static and there will be a prompt to ask if you want to keep the original dynamic group.

Manage Groups

You can create "Dynamic" and "Static" group from this section by :
  1. Choosing the report level (licensee/practice/adviser) and report filter, then click "update".
  2. Once done you can start customising the filter and columns for your group, see below steps.

Click on the   icon and you can customize the columns for your filter.

Once you choose the columns, you can then click on the inverted triangle  next to the title of each column, this will allow you to do more filtering to meet your specification.

In this example, I am creating a group (dynamic/static) for any member with the surname Brown.


Once I setup the column and the filter to suit my requirement, I will then click +Create a new group to create this (dynamic/static) group.

Enter the name and description for the group and choose :
1) If you want to have a public or private group
      Public - everyone in the practice can view this group; if you untick this, it will be private and only the user can view this group

2) If you want to create a dynamic group or static group
      Dynamic group - tick the dynamic group
      Static group - untick the dynamic group, you can manage the static group in group details 

3) Choose the option of “current clients have shown in groups table” as you would have done all the filtering before

For managing dynamic groups, please use Manage Groups Screen

For managing static groups, please use the Group Details Screen

Bulk Actions

There are several items that you can under bulk actions such as :
  1. View Members (groups)
  2. Update All Risk Profile
  3. Update All Segmentation
  4. Update All Advisers
  5. Update All Office
  6. Create File Note
  7. Change Due Date
  8. Bulk Optin Management
  9. Bulk Letters
  10. Bulk FSG and privacy policy changes

Please note that before you can do bulk actions, you would need to create groups first.

1) Select the bulk actions that you want to execute
2) This section will change depending on your bulk action selection
3) You will be required to enter verification code before the action take place

Campaign management

To start adding a campaign, click on "+add campaign" and then complete the campaign details.

You can add the campaign into a created group and you can also choose to use an email template  that you created under the email template management screen.

Bulk Emails

There are three actions that you can do in this section.
  1.       View members
  2.       Send Emails
  3.       Send Campaigns

Send Emails

In this section, you just have to choose the group for the bulk email, select the actions as send emails, then you can compose the email.

You can send a test email if you want to see what the display of the email to the recipient by clicking "send test email" (you have to enter verification code).

Please note to tick just one client under the list otherwise you will be receiving multiple emails for the test.

Once you are ready to send the bulk email, enter the verification code and click submit. A confirmation box will pop up for you to confirm to send the bulk email.

Once you send the bulk email, the sender will receive a confirmation email from adviseos.

Send Campaigns

Send campaigns is very similar in function as of  send emails.

The difference is that campaign can be attached with an email template. Once you choose the right campaign and you click on compose email, the email will be populated as per your chosen email template.

Bulk FDS

This section allows you to do any bulk action in relation to FDS/Service agreement.
  1. View Members
  2. Roll Service Periods
  3. Cancel Service Agreements
  4. Update reminder dates
  5. Manage Services
  6. Update FDS Settings
  7. Generate FDS Report
  8. Manage Consents

If some of the clients in the part of the group do not have a service agreement then they will not be visible in the group members table

Example of the screen for different actions - Cancel service agreements

1) Choose "cancel service agreement" for the action
2) This section will update based on the action that you choose on select actions
3) Verification code to be entered once you are ready to submit the action

Bulk Document Action

Bulk document action consists of two functions :
  1. Bulk Download
  2. Bulk Share Portal

Bulk Download

This function allows you to download a single document from multiple clients under a specific folder.

For example, under the group - new group static, we would like to download a file under the SOA folder from each of the clients.

Bulk Share to Portal

This function works the same way as of bulk download however instead of dowloading, it will push through the document into client's portal.

Bulk Email Report

This section will provide the user with the status of the bulk email. 

You have to choose the campaigns/bulk emails from the drop down menu and it will provide the list of clients and the email status report.

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