The Segmentation section of AdviceOS allows you to create Service Packages for your Practice or Licensee.
This can be located by navigating to Settings > Segmentation.
It is broken down into three sections, including;
- Overview
- Manage Segments
- Segment Benefits & Services
Note that a user must have additional permissions assigned to create client segments and manage the services offered under each segment. If your Licensee/Practice has not indicated which client segmentation model you can use, the Midwinter default model will be used.
The client segmentation model shows the packages you can choose for your clients, which can be used for a client group.
Each package contains services that clients can expect from you/your practice each year.
You can set your clients service package in Fact Find > Personal Details as per the below image.
Once you have set the desired service package, this information will then flow through to the Advanced Admin sections when creating Service Agreements (both FDS and FTA agreements). While it will default to your selected package when creating either of these agreements, you can also override the service package selected to another option. Doing so will just give you a notification in Fact Find that the service package is different to the package within the service agreement.
When creating your service agreement (either FDS or FTA), the chosen Service Package will be used to show what services the client is entitled to, which can be marked off as received or not. For more information on service agreements please navigate to the Compliance user guides available.
By default all users are set up at the Midwinter level unless otherwise initially requested - these default segments cannot be modified by users.
Reminder that if you wish to create your own segments & benefits you need to ensure your profile is set up at either the Practice or Licensee level (depending on the level necessary).
Please reach out to the support team at to request these changes to your account profile.
Manage Segments
Manage segments allows you to create new segments and make old segments inactive.
Note we cannot remove old segments as these are required to be retained for historical and compliance purposes.
Creating a new Segment
To create a new segment, you can select +Add Segment on the right side of the screen.
This will provide you with a new popup notification for segment name and description.
Active v Inactive Segments
As mentioned, segments cannot be deleted for compliance purposes. However, if you no longer use a specific segment you can set it as inactive. This will ensure that when choosing from the drop down in either Fact Find or Adv Admin the inactive segments are not visible.
You can select the Action icon which will allow you to set a segment as inactive or active.
You can also filter on the right of the screen to view Active/Inactive or no filter to help you manage this list.
Segment Benefits & Services
Here you can create the benefits and services your clients are entitled to, and align these to specific Segments that were created in the previous page. Again note that you need the correct profile set up otherwise this will default to the Midwinter settings and cannot be changed.
Creating segment benefits and services
To create a benefit or service, you can select the +Add Benefit icon on the right side
A new popup will appear with required fields to complete. You can determine the name, description and frequency of the service. The order number will determine the position this benefit will appear in the list when generated in the FDS.
You can use the edit pencil to make changes as required, or delete any benefits and services using the bin icon.
Once your benefits have been created, you need to align these to specific segments. In the image below, you can see that while Prospect has 6 of the services, the Gold segment includes all services listed.
You can also filter using the toggle all segments or only those that are currently active, allowing for an easier to navigate page.
When you return to the Overview section, you can see the Prospect & Gold segments and the list of benefits/services that a client aligned to these segments are eligible to receive and the order they are listed.