Total Portfolio Analysis

Total Portfolio Analysis

Total Portfolio Analysis (TPA) is a tool you can use to obtain a consolidated view of your clients existing and recommended investments. Other functionalities include the use of alternatives for comparison capabilities, the ability to transact and utilize investment reports.

Put simply TPA allows you to perform comprehensive like for like comparisons and projections of Superannuation, Pension and Investment portfolios all in the one place.

Features include

  1.      Perform comparison analysis across all your clients portfolios, including entities (SMSF’s, Trusts, Companies)
  1.      Product comparisons and projections across Super, Pension and Investments platforms.
  1.      Add and delete platforms and options
  1.      Delete platforms in bulk and copy options
  1.      Select model portfolios
  1.      Show all assets or filter by platform
  1.      Filter to show all asset owners or specific owners
  1.      Display an overview of the platform changes and fees applied (e.g. existing vs recommended)
  1.      Select trade restrictions- shares and investments that can be preferred or restricted for each client)
  1.      Select relevant features
  1.      Compare fees between platforms
  1.      View the ‘gained’ and lost features based on the existing and recommended scenarios
  1.      Include multiple scenarios within one analysis and multiple alternative product recommendations.
  1.      Produce and export portfolio reports showing an overview of platform changes and fees applied
  1.      Produce and export a report of the analysis of the portfolio based on a rebalance or a no change strategy

 Accessing Total Portfolio Analysis

To access TPA, select the main menu (1), hover your mouse over modelling (2) and select Total Portfolio Analysis (3)

This Guide will work through the menu top to bottom, tab by tab:


Platforms and Investments

Typical TPA layout will appear like this:

To filter based on what platforms you want to see:

To filter based on members of the client group or entity (SMSF, Company, Trust):

To filter based on View-

A standard view will bring through Existing and Recommended Platforms and Underlying Investments.

Selecting Alternatives will allow you to view existing, recommended and alternatives all at once:


Current holding will allow you to view only your clients existing holdings.

To add multiple alternative options select (1) then ‘alternatives to show’:

Then select from the drop down the amount of Alternative you wish to show: (As you can see there are only up to 3 alternative fields able to be added).

Adding a Platform

Note: When adding Super, Pension or Investments through our Fact Find, this information will flow through to TPA once saved. A platform created within Total Portfolio Analysis in the Existing Field (in Red) will also flow back through to the Super, Pension and Investments tab in the Fact Find.


To add a platform in Total Portfolio Analysis simply select +Add Platform on the far-right hand corner of your screen:

Then select your platform (super, pension or investment) from the dropdown ‘select base platform’:

If you are adding an existing/recommended super pension or investment- toggle between existing/recommended and input the balance:

If your Dealer Group have set up model portfolios you can also select model portfolios to bring through your underlying investments immediately:

Please be aware:

When adding a platform and you haven’t yet included the balance, but you have also got the below field unticked: ‘Show Platforms and Options with Zero Balance’- it will not appear in your list of platforms within platforms and investments.

To show platforms with zero-dollar balances, you must ensure that this box is ticked.

Editing your platform
Use the below functionality to include customised fee structures.
Examples include; portfolio rebates, custom admin fees & family fee rebates (known also as fee aggregation).
Once you have entered your platform, you can edit underlying fees and other details by clicking the three-button icon to the left of the platform name, then selecting Edit platform.

The Platform Builder dialog box will display, and you can enter details as required, in particular portfolio rebates, custom administration fees, and family fee rebates (otherwise known as fee aggregation or aggregate holdings). Where applicable, these can be entered as either dollars or percentages. The Platform Builder dialog is also available in the Comparison module.

Setting up underlying Investments within your platform.

After adding your platform it will appear like this:

To add your investment holding select the three dots and three lines tab next to the field you have put your balance in (whether that be existing recommended or alternative):

Your Investment Builder Box will appear and you can search (by typing in the name of the investment holding or APIR code), select from List[1], or choose model portfolios (if your Dealer Group have set up model portfolios):

Once you have selected, choose your allocation method- Amount, Percentage or Number of Units and click add option.

You are also able to edit information (in yellow square below) for each of your investment holdings by selecting the pencil (in red square) after allocation:

This is handy functionality as it allows you to edit if information is correct for you underlying holding and you would like to customise for your client slightly.

At the top of your portfolio builder you also have a list of tabs that allow you to view more information relating to your platform.

Fees and settings: Will give you a weighted average of the investment management fee.

Strategic Asset Allocation: Displays the overall asset allocation (based on the investment holdings you have selected) including how your client is tracking on their risk profile and any variance.

For reporting purposes you can also put on filters to prevent or include platforms or investments appearing in your reports (this includes ROA/SOA).

To prevent or include investment options appearing (this can only be done for the existing field- in red):

  1.      Select platform builder icon

  1.      Then select ‘Additional’ tab (1) and then from the dropdown on the right you will choose Mgt. reporting (2)
  1.      Now you can select or de-select the option you do or don’t want to appear in your reports (inc. ROA/SOA):

To prevent entire platforms from appearing in your reports (inc. ROA/SOA) you can also put on holding filters. To do this you will select the 3 vertical dots to the right:

The following window will appear and again, you can select or deselect the options you would like to appear in your report (inc. ROA/SOA):

Risk Profiles

To specify within your reports (inc. SOA/ROA) the risk profile for each of your platforms select 3 vertical dots on the top right of your screen and choose Manage scenario risk profiles:


Summary of Balances

In the bottom left corner of your Platforms and Investments tab you will notice a small summary:

It looks like this:

Existing- Is the total balance of all existing platforms (in red column)

Recommended- Is the total balance of all recommended platforms (in blue)

Left to allocate- Is the difference between recommended and existing (this includes earnings and fees). A negative amount means that there is less money in recommended platforms as compared to existing (suggesting a withdrawal to bank). A positive amount means there is more money within the recommended than existing (suggesting that there are contributions to super or managed fund from the bank account).

Direct Shares or investment options under a different platform.

There is functionality in place to allow for you to add investments under different platforms to your clients Super, Pension or Investment. For they purpose of this training I will us a direct share:

To add a direct share click on the + sign next to your clients Platform:

Then select the platform where your direct share is located by choosing the ‘Select Base Platform’ drop down.

Then select change and you will be able to search for your investment.

NOTE: This will not permanently change the name of your platform.

Quick Tricks

Next to each of your platforms there is a tab with three vertical dots:

Copy existing to recommended: allows you to arrange a no change SOA- where by your client can continue to be invested in the same way.

Copy recommended to existing: allows you to arrange transfer of Asset allocation within the recommended to existing. This is useful for updating after a review has been held and your client is back for their next review and you are hoping to make a new recommendation for the next review period.

Copy options to: This allows you to copy the investment holdings under one platform over to another (Note- it has to be under the same tax structure- Super, Pension or Investment) [2].

Example: Transferring investment options found under ‘AMP Flexible Super- Employer Sponsored’ to ‘Rest Super’.

The investment holdings will then be transferred across and appear in the recommended field as displayed below:

To delete platforms: allows you to delete platforms and their underlying investments (not to be confused with deleting investments only.

Deleting platform select from the dropdown:

To delete investment options only select the bin next to the investment option you wish to remove:

To delete all platforms within Total Portfolio Analysis: in the top right corner of your computer select the 3 vertical dots (1) and choose ‘delete all platforms’ (2):

You can also copy all platforms with existing balances to recommended by clicking on the 3 vertical dots in the top right of your computer:

The same can be done in reverse within the same dropdown: Copy Recommended to Existing.

Before inserting Datafeed please insure that the datafeed has been inserted into AdviceOS. To check this go to Settings > External Systems > Datafeed Map Investment Link:
Any unmapped datafeeds will appear on the right- to map you will need select Map (1):

For more information on Datafeeds and Mapping- see our Datafeed Guide.

If you have datafeeds turned on for your Dealer Group/Practice, to insert your already mapped datafeeds into total portfolio analysis you simply need to select the datafeeds tab:

As you can see in my screenshot I do not have datafeeds flowing for my login. If you do it will look something like this:


The following page will appear and you simply need to select 'update holding' and save to insert:

Setting up Shares and Ensuring Unit Prices Update

Add in your platform as per the procedure shown above. Then add in your underlying investments- Shares. Change view to ‘Datafeed Info’ (1) and tick the ‘Auto’ tickbox under datafeed (2). You will also noticed that it is set to No (3)- we will need to change this.

Next click on the portfolio builder () and select the additional tab (1) and change all Datafeed info to manual (2):

The datafeed column will now look like this and the unit-prices will now auto-update:

Portfolio Details

The next option in the Total Portfolio Analysis, under Platforms and Investments (in the menu on the left hand side is Portfolio Details).

This page provides a summary of your asset allocation and risk profile based on the inputs you have provided in Platforms and Investments. It looks at the asset allocation and fund allocations of your existing and recommended portfolios only.

It also allows you to compare between your recommended and existing based on:

  1.      Asset Allocation vs Risk Profile
  1.      Income and Growth Split
  1.      Investment Options (including Investment Fees)

After inputting details into platforms and investments, the portfolio details page will look like this:

The pie charts (1) that appear in this section is made up of all existing platforms (left pie chart) and all recommended platforms (right pie chart) from platforms and investments (2).



Summary and Reporting

When going to the summary and reporting tab you will see at the top an outline of total portfolio changes, if you have an existing and recommended strategy in place.
Depending upon what reports you Dealer Group/Practice has allowed you access to you will be able to print reports within this tab.
Portfolio Comparison Report- This report will analyse your investments across different platforms and ownership structures. The comparisons will focus on the fees, features and investment options that make up your total investment portfolio.

Consolidated Datafeeds- If you have datafeeds inserted into you Total Portfolio Analysis this report will provide a consolidate portfolio report for datafeeds. The effective date of the report can be adjusted from the returns page (see page 25 of this guide for information on how to adjust this).

 The Review Pack option (1)- includes Portfolio valuation reports, asset allocation reports, and performance report using the settings you input on the right (which you would set first [2]).

Trade Restrictions

This option is found in the menu under Overview:

This allows you to put restrictions on certain investment options as per your clients requests into total portfolio analysis.

For example: Your client says that he/she doesn’t wish to invest in Aristocrat Leisure because they produce poker machines.

To ensure that this doesn’t happen click add:

The following window will appear. Choose ASX 200 Shares in the Select Base Platform dropdown (1) and select Set Platform (2):

Then choose Aristocrat Leisure in the ‘Select Option’ field (1), who you want the restriction for (2), what your instructions are (3)- Do not buy, Do not sell, hold current position, hold specific weight, watch list.

As you can see there is also a comments section above if you wish to provide a reason as to why they do not wish to invest in the option.

Once you click save on this window the trade restriction is in place.

Once you click save on this window the trade restriction is in place.

To remove select the bin (2). To edit them select the pencil (1).

Defined Benefit Consequences

If your client holds a defined benefit and you have included this in your total portfolio analysis, this tab will be useful to you.
For the purpose of showing you this tabs functionality I added in a SSS (State Superannuation Scheme) DB into platforms and investments.
Once added you can navigate to the Defined Benefits Consequences tab and you will note that the SSS information flowed through. You will notice a drop down on the top left which includes a list of possible Client objectives:

Selecting each objective will produce a different list of Consequences/outcomes/opportunities that the client could take as a result of this change in their situation.
You also have the option of including each or a selection of a few in your SOA:

Each Paragraph field is editable also, meaning that you can add or adjust the text.

Fees and Features

Product Replacement Statement

This tab can be found under the heading Product replacement statement:

Product replacement statement, displays a side by side analysis of the fees based on the existing and recommended you have built in platforms and investments above. 

After completion of platforms and investments your product replacement statement will look like this:

If you have any alternative investment platforms you can also compare these options with the existing platforms. Simply select the dropdown next to scenario 2 and choose Alternative:

The table shows the amount invested, the cost of disposing, ongoing fees as a weighted average (in $ or %).

PDS Fees

The next option in the menu underneath Product Replacement Statement is PDS Fees.
This section displays the fees as they would be laid out in PDS format.
The admin fee is not just the weighted average as was shown in the product replacement statement. It includes all tiering for the admin fee.
Here is an example below:

Features- Super, Pension and Investments


These tabs will appear if you have added a Super or pension or investment platform into your TPA. If you have not, there will be not tab.
As you can see in the TPA menu you are able to select Features inside of Super, Pension and Investment; that you would like to bring through to your reports to allow for comparison of features between your existing and recommended.
For Features- Super tab you will see a range of features that you will see in a Superannuation platform.
For Features- Pension tab you will see a range of features that you will see in a Pension platform.
For Features- Investment tab you will see a range of features that you will see in an Investment platform.
The functionality in all tabs are the same.
In these sections you look for features that are relevant to your clients situation.
Therefore, in these tabs you will select by ticking the boxes next to the relevant features and select save in the top right hand corner. You will need to do this for both members of the client group (if you are dealing with a couple: Select member from the drop down in the top left corner.

Once you have selected the relevant features toggle to the Features Comparison tab to view the outcome.

Once you have selected the feature comparison tab, you will notice that two more tabs appear- Gained and Lost Features and Decision Matrix.

The transactions tab allows you to add individual transactions for a particular platform.
To add a transaction:
Select the Platform (1), then select the investment option you would like to apply the transaction against (2):

     Once you have loaded the investment option you will see a list of all of the transactions currently loaded under that option. If you have a datafeed you would be receiving a lot of transactions from that datafeed. It will look like this:

     To add a manual transaction into your investment option select ‘Add Manual Transaction’

     This window will appear and you will complete dropdowns in order to stipulate what your transaction is as well as it is features:
     You also have the option of editing or deleting your transaction:

     To filter your transactions select the below drop down
Combined Transactions- is both Datafeed Transactions and Manual Transactions
Datafeed Transactions- Transactions that flow through your datafeeds
Manual Transactions- Are the transactions you manually added to your investment.


This section will record the performance of all your datafeed and manually input investment options, that have transactions against them.

As you can see it will record, from 1month up to 5yrs of performance outcomes for each investment within your datafeed.

When looking to access this information you need to firstly set your start date (2) and then your end date (3), and finally select Update (4):

I have highlighted in blue the outcome- as you can see I had input transaction for Aberdeen Standard Australian Small Companies investment and this had therefore updated the Returns page.

You are also able to access the transaction menu by selecting the below:

Research and Analysis

This tab will provide information on any of the investments your client is invested in.

To obtain this information select platform (1) and then select the investment option (2):

Once you have done this the result will look something like this:

You can then print a report for all investment options for a particular platform:

Then choose which options you would like a report for and press ok:

If you would like the Morning Star Product Profile, simply select ‘Create Product Profile Report’:

Portfolio Review

Buy and Sell Instructions

This tab allows you to view buy and sell instructions for all your clients investments.

It allows you to view buy and sell information for recommended platforms as well as alternatives.

To toggle based on what information you wish to view, simply toggle using the dropdown:

It will also provided details of the outcome based on your recommendation or alternative in the action and instruction rows. This will look something like this:

Review Report

The final tab of TPA is review report which looks like this:

It allows you to print reports that are similar to ROAs- no change or rebalance ROAs. Put simply it allows you analyse the portfolio based on a rebalance or no change strategy.

Ticking the options below to be included in your review will bring through information from the Fact Find that you have already completed (assumed).

For any further questions on this module please contact support:

Call-on 1300 882 938.

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